I realized that we are nearing the 1 year anniversary of Dani's first pageant. What's happened in the last year?
1. Dani received her official Aspergers diagnosis.
2. Dani also received her official genius diagnosis.
3. Dani has done almost 20 pageants
4. Dani has had her hair and makeup done by 7 or 8 different people
5. Dani has been spray tanned twice
6. Dani has won countless "queen" and "division supreme" titles, mostly because everyone else in her group has pulled for a higher title.
7. We have been ripped off by a couple of people
8. Dani sees a coach at least 2x a month.
9. We LOVE Dani's coach.
10. Dani has pulled one Ultimate Grand Supreme title
11. Dani is much more comfortable getting up in front of crowds
12. Dani has her worst meltdowns at pageants
13. Dani is getting a flipper
14. We have made amazing friends
15. We have met a couple nuts - but there are a lot more nice people than crazies
16. I have screamed "Sparkle baby" at least once
17. Mikey has done 3 pageants - usually when there's a sweet family discount.
18. Mikey doesn't enjoy pageants nearly as much as Dani
19. I spend a fortune on pictures
20. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything
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